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33 Marketing Titans Reveal Their Best Content Promotion Techniques


Picture this – what if you could ask one huge marketing titan their one content promotion tactic that drives serious traffic for them? 

Or even better: What if you had 33 huge marketing titans sharing their secrets… …and each tactic could generate more traffic than you could dream of for your business?

How would that change your business?

Well my friend, you just won the lottery because I already asked them for you. I am honored and deeply humbled to present to you the answers from these marketing titans.

Ladies and gentlemen: 33 very actionable content promotion tactics to drive serious traffic.

33 Epic Content Promotion Techniques from the marketing titans themselves

Since all the responses from these marketing titans total over 4,000 words, I’ve provided  quick links to all their responses.

1. Guy Kawasaki is the Chief Evangelist Officer at Canva, and former Chief Evangelist Officer at Apple. He is also the author of the Enchantment (I’ve read this three times) and The Art of the Start, both are super successful books!   You can check out his latest posts here.

Follow Guy on Twitter >>

Post good shit.

Guy Kawasaki

Chief Evangelist Officer, Cavana

2. John Lee Dumas is the genius behind Entrepreneur On Fire. His amazing podcast has inspired millions (including me) to start or grow their business. You can check out his latest podcasts here.

Follow him on Twitter >>

I will discuss my one content promotion tactic that drives serious traffic. Being a seven day a week podcaster who just recorded his 1000th episode, I would be a little remiss if I didn’t point to my podcasting growth tactic. This works so well that in two and half years it took me from absolutely nowhere, known by nobody, to where I am now.

What that is, is interviewing influencers in my niche. People to whom I want to talk, like Lewis Howes, Neil Patel, Bryan Harris, and Greg Hickman are all past guests of Entrepreneur on Fire. Having conversations with them, building relationships with them, being a person of value to them, following up a full week after the interview with a thank you email, and really being appreciative of what they’ve brought to Fire Nation on the podcast interview. But most importantly, the biggest promotion growth tactic that I’ve used for my content marketing of podcasting, is what I do the day the interview goes live. I email Lewis, Neal, Jeff, Bryan Harris and I say, “Your interview just went live on Entrepreneur today. You shared an amazing story; you rock the mic! Fire Nation is going to love it, and I’ll be honored if you share your journey and your story with your audience. Here are all the links to do so.” I make it straightforward for them and give them links to share tweets, to share on Facebook, and on Linkedin.

By making it easy for them to share with their audience, nine times out of ten they do, so every day of the week Entrepreneur On Fire is being shared with a massive audience who has never heard of it. A certain portion of those people are going to listen for the first time, are going to like, subscribe, rate, review, share with their friends, and the snowball effect continues. So definitely making sure that this process is really easy for my guest, whose interview went live, is a critical component to my content marketing strategy. This strategy increases the massive audience where we consistently get over one million listeners per month with Entrepreneur On Fire.

John Lee Dumas

Founder, Entrepreneur On Fire

3. Oli Gardner is the co-founder of Unbounce where you can build, publish, and A/B test landing pages without I.T. Check out his posts here.

Follow him on Twitter >> 

For wide-reaching and sustainable amplification, the best tactic – which is more of a strategy – is to obsess over content re-use. Content is all about branding and brand exposure – getting your message in front of as many people as possible, and creating different formats of the same piece of content is the fastest way to achieve significant exposure. It all begins with a big picture concept that you want to be strongly associated with your brand. Ideally an original concept with a name you can own (an example of mine is Conversion-Centered Design). Then you should adopt the following process to get your concept in people’s faces:

  • Define the name of your concept.
  • Buy the .com domain (so you own it for future use).
  • Write an ebook on the subject and create a landing page to give it away (gated).
  • Use the confirmation page of the ebook landing page to ask people to share the ebook on social media (pick one network only to simplify the interaction).
  • Add a link to the ebook landing page on a resources page on your website.
  • Write a summary post on your blog introducing the concept and linking to the ebook landing page (to collect leads).
  • Create a Slideshare deck to present a visual representation of a high level overview of the concept. Link to the ebook landing page at the end of the deck.
  • Write a guest post on the topic on a high profile blog, linking back to the ebook landing page.
  • After the webinar, turn the registration landing page into a gated webinar recording landing page to collect more leads.
  • Use the webinar recording LP confirmation page to ask people to share the recording on social.
  • Create a Slideshare deck from the webinar presentation slides.
  • Split the webinar recording into a 10-part series of short YouTube videos.
  • Add the webinar recording landing page link to your resources page.

The amount of evergreen content you can generate from a single idea is extraordinary and thinking this way can really take your content marketing to another level. The long term impact of this strategy (especially if you when you create your own branded terminology) is that you can own the first page of Google.

Oli Gardner

Founder, Unbounce

4. Lewis Howes can help do what you love full time! Check out how here, and subscribe to his freakishly awesome podcast here. If you want to learn how to make money with webinars, Lewis is your man!

Follow him on Twitter >>

Create something meaningful that inspires, highly educates, or joyfully entertains.  With all the noise out there it’s got to add massive value so people are willing to look at it, then share it.

Lewis Howes

Founder , Lewishowes.com

5. Bryan Harris is the founder of Videofruit. He helps entrepreneurs grow their online businesses. He grew his list from 0-13k emails in less than a year, and launched his first flagship product that made him $220k in 10 days! This guy is legit!

Follow him on Twitter >>

Hire Keith Breseé.

Bryan Harris

Founder, Videofruit

6. Ryan Holiday is the best selling author of my favorite book, The Obstacle Is The Way. Ryan was the director of marketing at American Apparel, helping it to grow to a 500 million dollar company. Check out his books here (non afl), and his latest posts here.

Follow him on Twitter >> 

This is a strategy that I developed that manipulates the media through recursion. I can turn nothing into something by placing a story with a small blog, that has very low standards, which then becomes a source for a story by a larger blog, and that, in turn, for a story by larger block media outlets.
Step #1:The Entry Point
At the first level, small blogs and hyper local websites that cover your neighborhood or particular scene are some of the easiest sites to get traction on. Trust is very high here. What’s important is that the site is small and understaffed. This makes it possible to sell.
Step #2: The Legacy Media
Here you need to look for a mix of online and offline sources. The blogs of newspapers and local television stations are some of the best targets. They will be your critical turning point in building up momentum.
The sites won’t write about just anything, though. So you need to create chatter or a strong story angle to hook this kind of sucker.
Step #3: The National Press
The key to getting from the second to the third level is the soft sell.
Getting to this level usually involves less direct pushing and a lot more massaging.
Ryan Holiday

Founder, Brass Check Marketing

7. Greg Hickman is THE mobile marketing guru to learn from. You want more conversions, and sales on mobile? Greg is your man! Check him out here.

Follow him on Twitter >>

For both myself and clients, leveraging building up a mobile database through SMS (text) gives you the most direct access your customers at any moment. Over 98% of SMS messages are opened and over 90% within 3 minutes making it the most immediate channel available. 

With this level of immediacy you have to use this channel wisely for situations that warrant time sensitive communications or location based alerts.  Whether you’re promoting a webinar, a flash sale or just driving a customer to visit your physical location, your mobile messaging campaign will be seen instantly and drive your customer to take any action you want.

Greg Hickman

Founder, Mobile Marketing Engine

8. Adam Connell founded Blogging Wizard to teach people actionable strategies to grow their blogs like magic. And he’s extremely good at it! 

Follow him on Twitter >>

The most effective tactic that I’ve ever used is influencer marketing.
The idea is that you forge relationships with the influencial folks that are mutually beneficial. Then you get the influencers help in promoting your content.
The most simple example of this in action is:
1) Network with influencers – comment on their blog, share their content (when relevant).
2) Mention them (or a piece of content they’ve written) in a blog post providing it helps out your audience.
3) Let them know you’ve mentioned them (all it takes is a tweet or an email).
A lot of the time, they’ll share your content purely because it will increase the perception of their authority to their audience.
Sure, you could push them to share, or even ask them to link back to the post.
… but you shouldn’t. Pushing people to help you out only causes friction and some people take it so far that they burn bridges before they’ve even been built.
The aim should always be to forge a mutually beneficial relationship, because it’s those relationships that will be your most powerful asset.
Adam Connell

Founder, Blogging Wizard

9. Chris Ducker is a serial entrepreneur who teaches other entrepreneurs how to start, run, and grow their businesses. Chris has done it all! If you’re ready to grow your business, join his free business bootcamp here.

Follow him on Twitter >>

The content you produce for your audience has to be more than just original. Ideally, you want it to solve a problem. Once you’ve gained trust from your community members they WILL open up and tell you what their pain points are, and what they’re struggling with. At this point it’s on you, as the leader of that community, to get to work creating insanely valuable content that DIRECTLY solves one (or more!) of their problems. Do that, and not only will they consume the content fully (instead of just glancing over it), they will SHARE it with the people in their own communities. This sharing creates a ripple effect that no amount of SEO can – because it’s people driven – and people want to know, like and trust other people above and beyond everything and anything else.

Chris Ducker

Founder, Virtual Staff Finder

10. Brian Shichkow is the guy who pulled the epic Facebook ad prank on his roommate and drove 1,000,000 visitors to his blog via Reddit! How many people do you know of who have done that? Learn his Reddit strategies here. Follow him on Twitter >>

When was the last time you looked at something backwards? Have you ever tried starting from the end and working your way towards the beginning? All too often, people neglect one of my favorite traffic strategies — flip it and reverse it.

Most marketers start by creating and end with selling. Savvy marketers on the other hand understand that when you start with selling and end with creating you’re able to take the bullet from its intended target and follow it straight back to the barrel of the gun.
When sparking media attention for example, you can start by identifying the handful of people you want covering your story and determine how to frame it as being of value — by their standards, not your own. You can do this with large audiences too by asking the same questions. What do they want? How can I give it to them? The keys to massive traffic are to be objective, unselfish, and gracious — in that order.
Be objective about the content or messages you share with the world. Is it truly engaging? Did you take the time to frame it for the people receiving the message? It’s better to target a smaller audience, even an audience of one, than to send a broad message that doesn’t connect with everyone seeing it.
Be unselfish and give to others even when you think they cannot or will not give to you. By sharing your gratitude and asking how you can help, they will all but give you instructions as to how you can win their trust and favor.
Be gracious about anything and everything sent your way. Fight to thank people in the most sincere way possible and they will continue to exhibit that behavior.

By starting at the end and working your way backwards you are given a guide of where to focus and what effort to exert.

Brian Swichkow

Founder, My Social Sherpa

11. Neil Patel founded CrazyEgg, KISS Metrics, and Quicksprout. He is a super successful serial entrepreneur. Neil Patel + any business venture = Massive business growth! Learn from him here Follow him on Twitter >>

One simple content marketing strategy that drives serious traffic is to link out to relevant sites when it makes sense for the reader. On my NeilPatel.com blog I link out to over 100 URLs per blog post. When I publish the post I then email each of those website owners letting them know I linked to them and for them to check out the article and share it. This causes each of my posts to get hundreds of social shares, which drives thousands of visitors.

Neil Patel

Founder , Neil Patel

12. Chris Brogan is a master marketer. Literally. He uses media and community to earn customers. Whether you want to create courses, or work like you’re on vacation, he is your man! Check him out here. Follow him on Twitter >>

Nothing I’ve ever done has driven serious traffic. I’m not being humble. It’s true. I earn every visit with quality and value and the promise of more than just the material. I use media and community to earn the right to sell and serve. It’s slower but works much better for me.

Chris Brogan

CEO, Owner Media Group Inc.

13. Gael Breton is the founder of Authority Hacker. Gael grew Authority Hacker to over 30,000 email subscribers in less than a year. If you want to learn how to build long term web properties that earn for you check out Gael’s content here. Follow him on Twitter >>

Our best content promotion is a variation of Brian Deans’s Skyscraper technique. Just like you never send people directly to a sale page, you don’t immediately ask for a link or share. Another way to put it is, you never ask for marriage on the first date. A lot of funnels look like: Traffic > Lead Capture > Nurturing > Low $ Offer > Nurturing > Core offer.  

Gael Breton

Founder, Authority Hacked

14. Mandy McEwen is the founder of Mod Marketing Girl & 8 Ways In 8 Days. As a go to expert in digital marketing, Mandy has the skills, knowledge, and experience to turn your business from a zero to a hero. Learn from her here. Follow her on Twitter >>

My greatest source of traffic to promote my content is Twitter. It’s an awesome way to get maximum eyeballs on your content, when done right. For starters, it’s always good to add “click to tweet” boxes within your blog posts . As far as getting maximum exposure on Twitter, some research is required. Use popular hashtags (1 or 2 max) which you can find by using Twitter itself or free tools like hashtag.org or hashtagify.me Switch up the tweet content and try using tweets that have “#Fact: ” in the beginning then list an interesting fact from your blog post. You definitely do not want to post the same tweet over and over with your blog link because then you look spammy and will annoy your followers. Make a schedule for your tweets in sprout social, hootsuite or whichever social management tool you prefer. I tweet immediately after the post goes live, that evening, the next day, once on the weekend, and depending on how much you want to promote it, multiple times the following weeks. It’s really up to you and there are best times to tweet. For example evenings between 10 and 11 pm est is the best time for clicks. Engagement rates are up in the morning between 7 and 8 am In order to get the best response follow these tweet tips: – use headlines – aim for 8 words for a 21% higher  ctr – use a number for a 15% higher ctr – use a colon (the fact tweet works well for this) – capitalize each new word – use an image for 150% more retweets – use an infographic image for 832% more retweets To really get maximum eyes on your content, include blurbs from authority influencers and also any tools or companies that are relevant to your article. Then, tweet out to those people you mentioned. Nine times out of ten they will tweet out your posts to their followers. And some might make your blog post part of their regular tweet schedule which means they tweet it out more than once. And if you mention influencers and companies with large Twitter followings, this method is very very powerful and can send floods of traffic to your posts. The most popular blog posts of mine are ones that mentioned other companies and influencers. If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. You are promoting them via your blog post so in turn they are more than happy to share with their audience because it gives them exposure. So it’s a full circle of promotion. Win win for everyone! Facts are from: modgirlmarketing.com/anatomy-perfect-twitter-post-increase-click-rate

Mandy McEwen

Founder, Mod Marketing Girl

15. Morgan Brown is the head of growth at Qualaroo and GrowthHackers.com. He also co-authored with Sean Ellis the book, Growth Engines (I read it in 2 days and it’s awesome), where they present detailed growth hacking case studies of Uber, Snapchat, Evernote, Hubspot and many more. If you want growth, Morgan is your man! Check out his blog and book here. Follow him on Twitter >>

Skip content, create tools for big, lasting traffic. Let’s face it. There is tons of content out there. From blog posts, to reports, to infographics, people are swimming in information. They don’t need another blog post. What they need is something to help them be successful, or at least entertained. That’s where creating lightweight tools comes in. They’re an easy and cost-effective way to drive tons of highly-targeted traffic to your site. Want proof? Take a look at HubSpot’s Marketing Grader, or Qualaroo’s Survey.io, or Checkmarx’s Game of Hacks. All of these are lightweight tools that create a ton of value or entertainment for the people that use them. That value drives ongoing traffic that doesn’t just go away. They all act as natural lead gen opportunities as well. What’s the key to pulling this off? You want to leverage human curiosity. HubSpot’s Grader helps people answer the question “How good am I?” Users of those tools want to know how great they are or make sure they find out what’s wrong before their boss does. None of these tools are particularly expensive to build, especially when you use Elance or Odesk, and all deliver big traffic up front and over the long haul.

Morgan Brown

Founder , morganbrown.co

16. Joe Pulizzi if the founder at the Content Marketing Institute and author of Epic Marketing. Joe is the Godfather of content marketing, and ‘he’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse’ when it comes to learning content marketing. Learn from him here. Follow him on Twitter >>

If you are desperate for traffic and use short-term methods, you are already too late.  I believe that you need to build online relationships early and often, so when you need the right people to share your content, they are available and ready to do that. First, identify your influencer set.  In this case, an influencer is where your audience is hanging  out on the web.  Then, actively share the influencer content (that is relevant and helpful to your audience) consistently, in multiple platforms, over time (months, if possible).  Then, “bake” the influencers into your pillar content, like ebooks, podcasts, blog posts and more.  Since you have already built a relationship with those people, they’ll be more willing to help you out when you need your content shared.  Plus, they are actually helping themselves since they are mentioned in it. Now, many companies share influencer content, but almost none do it systematically and have a strategy around it.  If you look at the majority of online successes today, they build sharing over time by cultivating these relationships and building an audience over time through email subscription.  I’m not a believer in short-term fixes.

Joe Pulizzi

Founder, Content Marketing Institute

17. Yaro Starak is the founder of Entrepreneurs Journey where he teaches people via his blog and podcast to grow and monetize their blogs. His stuff is legit! Learn from him here Follow him on Twitter >>

For me the single most powerful content promotion tactic I have ever applied is writing free reports. Having a powerful introductory A-to-Z guide to teach others how to do something you know about is the perfect first impression content. It educates, builds trusts, and people can share it, plus of course it helps you build your list too since you give it away to people who join your email list. I wrote a report called “The Blog Profits Blueprint“, which I recently completely re-wrote for the current environment. Every day 50 people sign up to my email list from my blog just to get this report, which means I have 50 new people I can communicate with, build a relationship with, and offer my products to. In terms of traffic, a free report – if you do a good job – will spread far. People share it with friends. It’s also a powerful affiliate marketing tool since your affiliates can give away the report as a way to offer value to their followers, which then leads to potential affiliate sales for them. Having a powerful report is also a fantastic tool any time you are a guest on a podcast, as you can tell people to get your report as the best next step after listening to you. The same goes for the end of videos you publish on YouTube, you can end the video by giving them a link to get your report. As you can see, having a report that you really believe in is about the best online marketing tool available today because it’s a natural call to action for all other forms of marketing you do.

Yaro Starak

Founder, Entrepreneurs Journey

18. Ian Cleary is the founder of Razor Social. If you want actionable steps to get killer results from social media, then Ian is your man! Learn from Ian here. Follow him on Twitter >>

Find content in your niche written by your competitors that has attracted a lot of links and traffic.  Use Ahrefs to research links and SEMRush to identify content that’s driving a lot of traffic. Create a piece of content far superior to this piece of content and promote it heavily.  As well as doing email outreach, run a Facebook Ads campaign to drive eyeballs to this content.

Ian Cleary

Founder , Razor Social

19. David Molnar is a music and advertising photographer here in Nashville. He shoots for Pepsi, American Idol, and many other HUGE music artists in the Nashville area. His work has been seen by tens of millions! Check out his portfolio here, and learn awesome iPhone photography skills here. Follow him on Twitter >>

In three months time I grew my email list from 1,000 to 10,000 by simply promotion a single piece of content. Here’s what I did: Trust – In order for people to want to share your content they need to trust you first. In the months prior to me 10Xing my list I was regularly putting out great content.  You have to always be giving value and serving your audience. Carrot – When it’s time you ask your audience to share, you have to have content with a very high perceived value. Im a professional music and advertising photographer in Nashville and I created a book teaching iPhone Only photography.  Buzz – I created a lot of buzz for this ebook by doing the following: 1) I told people it was available for a very limited time. 2) I ask my audience to share and I pulled in all the favors I could to get my friends to share. 3) I made it easy to share by creating click to tweets, and click to shares.

David Molnar

Photographer | Founder , iPhone Only Photo

20. Tommy Walker handles the marketing at Shopify. Need to learn how to grow your audience, rankings, and authority via guest posting? Tommy is your guy! Learn from him here. Follow him on Twitter >>

My biggest promotion tactic is to build a database of people who’ve shared your content in the past. This is very simple, go to Topsy.com and enter the url of one of your articles and all of the people who shared it on Twitter will show up. Enter all of those folks into a Google Spreadsheet, then dig in to find their contact information later.

If you don’t have anyone sharing your stuff, find other content that is similar to yours, and add the people who have shared that instead.This is not a “hack” and it certainly takes time, however it also gives you a growing database of people who have already been willing to share your stuff.Bonus points if you segment this list by the category you filed this under on your blog.
Tommy Walker

Marketing at, Shopify

21. Loz James is the founder of Content Champion. Not only have I learned so much on content marketing from him, but you can too! He has stuff for the beginners and advanced marketers as well. On top of having a killer blog, check out his podcast were he interview top marketers.  Follow him on Twitter >>

“One of the content promotion tactics I’ve had most success with centers on a platform that’s been a real revelation to me – namely Twitter.There’s so much you can do with Twitter to create targeted visitors, because it’s a really versatile platform – but what I like to do is relatively simple: 1) Fire up BuzzSumo and search for popular blog posts based on your target industry keywords, (you can also use Scoop.it or Alltop) 2) Use Brian Dean’s Skyscraper Technique to beat the original article you’ve chosen by adding in multi-media content (audio and video), new images, facts and details based on in-depth research 3) Enter the URL of the original blog post you selected into the search box on Twitter, and create a simple Excel spreadsheet of everybody who has tweeted about it 4) Reach out to everyone (yes, everyone) who shared the original post, mentioning your much better version and also offering to share some of their best content too, (you can use BuzzStream for this part of the process) 5) If people respond, thank them personally and give them a heads up that you’ve shared their content as promised Although this technique is time consuming, I’ve had some great results using it – and I advise you to give it a go. If you want more information on how it all works, I’ve written about the process in more detail here: The Triple Twitter Traffic Technique.”

Loz James

Founder , Content Champion

22. Ann Handley is the author of the WSJ bestseller, Everybody Writes. Every content producer NEEDS this book! She is also the Chief Content Officer of Marketing Profs. Wanna learn how to create better content? Learn from Ann here

I’d answer this in two ways. 

1) A basic approach to generating traffic via social is to share your content more than once. But at the same time, don’t share the same specific message more than once. 

Tailor your messages to each channel. And create a unique message each time you share socially — even on the same channel, days apart. You might feature a headline, pull quote or interesting stat. 

Buffer publishes a handy sharing schedule with recommended frequency. https://blog.bufferapp.com/schedule-social-media-content-plan

2) Is “serious traffic” really your goal? For most businesses, it’s not. It’s better to do some research up front and create a content marketing strategy with specific buyer personas that represent your targeted market. Because maybe you don’t need serious traffic — you  just need the right kind of audience who relies on your useful, inspired content that’s empathetic to their needs and wants. 
Ann Handley

Author, Everybody Writes

23. Kevan Lee is a content crafter at Buffer where he writes about anything and everything social media marketing. His posts have been shared tens of thousands of times! Learn from his awesomeness here. Follow him on Twitter >>

We share all new posts to social media multiple times the day of publish and to our email list. Then the post gets added to our social media rotation, ongoing til forever I guess :)  For scheduling multiple times to social, I do it a couple of ways (all via Buffer) – in the browser extension, I can schedule multiple updates at once, dropping them into slots 3x the first day and then 1x the following day, 1x later in the week; then the post goes into the rotation from there. Or what I find myself doing more often is hitting the blog post page itself and using the extension to “Share Next” multiple times, which adds a string of posts into the Buffer queue. Then I’ll log into Buffer and rearrange the queue to what feels best. Building a big email list and social following has been key for us!

Kevan Lee

Content Crafter, Buffer

24. Brian Massey is the Founder of Conversion Scientist. Brian converts traffic to cash so freaking well, it makes me wonder if he can convert lead to gold… I mean, he is a scientist! Learn his methods here Follow him in Twitter >>

My favorite tactic is creating long-form content from presentations and webinars we’ve done. Google loves long form keyword-rich content dripping with authority. People like to share this content as well. The challenge is the time and cost of creating 3000-word articles regularly. We found a solution on our hard drives and in our archives. A recorded webinar typically has everything needed for long-form content. A subject matter expert has taken the time to frame the information. Ripping the audio to be transcribed creates a draft of the text. Images are pulled directly from the slide deck as needed. All that is left is some editing and positioning. A talented editor can do this for a few hundred dollars. We’ve been able to produce long-form content month after month from our presentations and webinars at little expense (and little time on my part). We believe in this approach so much that we’ve launched a service to provide exactly this. http://webinar2content.com.

Brian Massey

Founder, Conversion Scientist

25. Zac Johnson has built numerous online businesses and has made millions doing it. The cool thing is he shows you how he did it. Learn from him at his blog here. Follow him on Twitter >>

My best advice for creating content that provides values and continually brings traffic back to your site is to focus on interviewing industry experts and authorities within your niche — much like what is being done in this article.
Now let me break down why this works so well.
Think about the millions of celebrities that are being searched and read about every day. Just like celebrities are being sought after by millions, the same thing holds true for “online celebrities” and industry experts. While the volume might not be the same, the interest and focus is definitely there. By associating your name or site with these expert names, you are building your name and expertise in the process.
At the same time, interviews and expert contributions provide a lot of value (as they are already experts). This means you can continue to generate high quality traffic to your site by interviewing different experts on a weekly / monthly basis. Interview articles are great, but original content based around experts is even better. For an example, check out this 32 expert popup secrets post to see what I mean.
Maybe the best reason for interviewing and building content around experts and well known brands, is that most of the time, whoever you are writing about will likely share it with their audiences as well. Backlinks are a huge benefit, but in most cases you will get some social media shares to their massive followings.
As great as “content creation” is for building traffic and a larger foundation for your site, it’s still extremely important to focus on “content promotion” — which means contacting people when their interview/post goes live on their site, doing guest blogging on other sites and getting more social activity and subscribers to your mailing list.
Zac Johnson

Founder, ZacJohnson.com

26. Stuart Walker is the founder of Niche Hacks. We have all heard to “niche down”, especially in the beginning. Well Stuart has come up with 1,781 different niches for you to find your place in. Discover all the possible niches here. Follow him on Twitter >>

My most recent trick is to hire writers with their own audience. I no longer write much for NicheHacks as I have a full team of writers. I picked writers with real life experience in online marketing, actively running their own online businesses, who live what they write about.
They have their own audiences, social followings, lists and strategies to promote their content that they take advantage of. 
Stuart Walker

Founder, nichehacks.com

27. Reginald Chan is the founder of Success Ground where he teaches the methods and techniques that allowed him to grow his online presence and business.  Follow him on Twitter >>

My content promotion is circling around social media marketing. What I do is pretty simple to be honest. The first step is to create an audience around the topic I’m focusing on. And this is the hardest part to do (time consuming). I participate in chats, communities and forum, and indirectly, building a following on my social account. Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups, LinkedIn groups and Twitter chats are great ways to start with.
Once you have a following, your next focus is to share relevant topics with them. The topics can be anything from your own product to other articles. The key takeaway is ‘relevancy’. On top of that, creating powerful call-to-actions in your social updates can drive traffic to an insane level.
People take time to follow you and when they click on your article or links, you are getting super-targeted audience which can increase not only traffic but as well as revenue.
The last part is a simple: Write great content. People love reading great content and this will encourage them to share across various platforms. In return, you will get better search ranking (temporary) and more traffic back to your site.
Reginald Chan

Founder, Success Ground

28. Sean Si is the CEO and Founder of SEO Hacker and Qeryz. A start-up, data analysis and urgency junkie who spends his time inspiring young entrepreneurs through talks and seminars. Check out his personal blog where he writes about starting up two companies and life in general. Follow him on Twitter >>

To start with, your content has to be “promote-worthy” so that’s the foundation. I can expound on that but as I understand, this question is more for the marketing part.
Whenever I write “Promote like hell” I really mean it. And that means reaching out to influencers, using automated tools to schedule your blogposts or even using tools like Blogpros to help you amplify your social shares.
So let’s take my latest blog entry for example. It deals with the long click and dwell time metrics for SEO. I think it’s a “promote-worthy” article so I reach out to people I know would be interested in sharing it. Like Bill Slawski – who unravelled the recently granted Google patent on the Long click over at Moz. Bill Tweeted it too.
I load it up on my Socialoomph for auto-promotion over at Twitter. Blogpros also does its work – giving me more social shares to boot!
Sean Si

Founder , SEO Hacker

29. Kristi Hines is a freelance writer, and copywriter who has worked with some of the top brands and publications including HubSpot, KISSmetrics, Search Engine Watch, and Social Media Examiner. Check out her up coming course on content promotion here. Follow her on Twitter >>

I use IFTTT to email me when someone asks a question about a topic related to one of my blog posts. Whenever I get the email, I review the question, and if relevant, I answer the question with a link to my blog post.

For example, I had a popular post about the Thesis versus Genesis Frameworks. I would get alerts for people on Twitter asking their audience which one was better, what was the difference, etc. Each time, I would tweet the person and say that I had a comparison post to help them choose. Sometimes, the person would visit the post and eventually choose one or the other (both of which I am an affiliate for). Then, they would tweet it. Even if the latter didn’t happen, this promotion tactic turned it into my best affiliate income generating post.
My point is, sometimes you don’t need to have a ton of traffic to get results. You just need specific, relevant traffic, which you can find with the right kind of promotion techniques.
Kristi Hines

Founder, Content Promotion Plan

30. Neville Medhora is the founder of Kopywriting Kourse, where he teaches entrepreneurs and business owners how to write copy that converts. He is the copy master mind behind the email marketing campaigns that allowed Appsumo to grow to a seven figure business. Learn his copy secrets here. Follow him on Twitter >>

Aside from simply paying for traffic, there’s no single tactic that works best.
It’s a combination of:
• Growing an email list. • Getting people on that email list used to hearing (good stuff) from you. • Whenever you write an article, promote it to your email list. • Then go to your personal network and ask big people to share/tweet/post about it.
All the people considered “big” on the internet just do this consistently.
Neville Medhora

Founder , Kopywriting Kourse

31. Robbie Richards began his online marketing journey only a several years ago, and has already established himself as an authority figure. He has grown his email list by the thousands in a very short time, has been featured on top marketing blogs, and continues to pump out incredible content that climbs up the rankings in Google wicked fast! Learn his methods here. Follow him on Twitter >>

Write expert roundups that target med/low competition…high search volume (1000+/month) keywords :) Like this one: http://www.robbierichards.com/seo/best-keyword-research-tool/. Ranks #2 in Google for “best keyword research tool” (last time I checked)…7,000+ visits, 1,200 shares, 500+ email subs…and some affiliate sales. 

Leverage the audience of influencers. Cliche, but its powerful with a solid strategy.I’m releasing a full-blown case study on Digital Marketer in the next week or so outlining the full process…from ideation, keyword research, build, on-page seo, content promo, content upgrades…the full shebang!
Robbie Richards

Founder, RobbieRichards.com

32. Ann Smarty is the founder of My Blog U and co-founder of Viral Content Buzz. She understand better than most people how to create viral content. If you want to give your content a mega boost in traffic check out her content here. Follow her on Twitter >> 

One content marketing tactic that never stops working for me is inviting experts to provide quotes for my article (This is what I am doing now by the way!)If you manage to get niche influencers write for your site (even if it’s a short blurb), you’ll find many of them to be willing to help promote you the final piece. You’ll see many more comments and shares.I like running this tactic as a separate weekly or monthly column on my blog discussing recent trends and getting expert opinions on each. Here’s a step-by-step guide on promoting your expert interview to get more contributors actively involved.

Ann Smarty

Founder, My Blog U

33. Peep Laja is the founder of ConversionXL where he runs the world’s most popular CRO blog, and teaches people how to grow their business faster. This guy is legit! Learn from him here. Follow him on Twitter >>

Your content needs to be able to carry its own weight. You can try every tactic in the book, but if the page / content sucks, it will only go so far. Focus on the quality of the content before worrying about traffic tactics. If it’s awesome, and you get your content in front of eyeballs, it will go far. If it’s mediocre, you’re just wasting your time.

Peep Laja

Founder , ConversionXL

34. Daniel Daines-Hutt is the founder of Inbound Ascension where he promoted a new blog post in such a way that he got over 20,000 people to his post in a week! Learn from Daniel here. Follow him on Twitter >>

Lets be honest here-all traffic generation costs money. Be it ppc, content marketing or the time it takes to perform interviews etc

The key to a positive ROI however is to become far more effective and communicating with the audience you are already getting….

By tracking your audience on your site, you can build multiple “Custom audiences” to retarget and bring them back for more.

The cost to show new blog posts, campaigns or anything else to this audience can be almost 10x less than the initial acquisition costs…

Why pay through the nose to bring them back, if you can re-engage with them for less? Why focus on the front end traffic only, if you can instead let those who already enjoy your content (and their friends) be aware of your latest content? In an age where new content is constantly emailed or posted daily, for a few cents per day you can stay top of mind with your audience, make sure they “dont just bookmark” but actually come back and read, and even build “Lookalike” audiences based on your current readers! The next step of course is segmenting those audiences based on content consumed, interaction and time on site, and the psycology or your “copY’ that brought them to you…..thats when that moves from traffic to customers wink emoticon

Daniel Daines-Hutt

Founder, Inbound Ascension


By now you should have a pretty solid idea on how to promote your content, and I hope you saw the trend within all those responses.  Build relationships that matter, that add value to you and the other party, and “post good shit”.

Let us know in the comments which strategy/technique you’re are going to implement.

The post 33 Marketing Titans Reveal Their Best Content Promotion Techniques appeared first on Valcon Media.

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